Lam Hung Pak Mei

Chinese herbs tea for disease

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Improving eyesight tea


Wolfberry, Chrysanthemum, Rhizome, Morinda Root

( 枸杞,菊花,肉蓰蓉,巴戟 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minutes, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Improving Eyesight Tea ( 明目茶 )

$ 14.99 USD


Improving Eyesight Tea ( 明目茶 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Eye disease tea


 Fried cassia seeds, Wolfberry, Chrysanthemum, Mulberry leaves

( 炒決明子, 枸杞, 菊花, 桑叶 )

 Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Eye Disease Tea ( 眼疾茶 )

$ 14.99 USD


Eye disease tea ( 眼疾茶 )

$ 21.99 USD


Member only
Non member only

Impotence due to kidney deficiency



( 肉蓯蓉 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Impotence due to Kidney Deficiency ( 腎虛陽痿 )

$ 14.99 USD


Impotence Due to Kidney Deficiency ( 腎虛陽痿 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Warm and nourish qi and blood, stimulate meridians and activate meridians, and reduce sweating


Red dates, Black beans, Astragalus root

( 红棗, 黑豆, 黃芪 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Warm and nourish qi and blood, stimulate meridians and activate meridians, and reduce sweating ( 温補氣血,通經活絡,收汗 )

$ 14.99 USD


Warm and nourish qi and blood, stimulate meridians and activate meridians, and reduce sweating ( 温補氣血,通經活絡,收汗 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Replenishing qi, clearing away heat


Astragalus root, Dandelion

( 黄芪,蒲公英 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Replenishing Qi, Clearing Away Heat ( 補氣,清熱 )

$ 14.99 USD


Replenishing Qi, Clearing Away Heat ( 補氣,清熱 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Nourishes the liver, detoxifies, purifies blood


Red dates, Dandelion

( 红棗,蒲公英 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Nourishes Liver, Detoxifies, Purifies Blood ( 養肝排毒,淨化血液 )

$ 14.99 USD


Nourishes Liver, Detoxifies, Purifies Blood ( 養肝排毒,淨化血液 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Removing dampness tea


Atractylodes, Poria

 ( 白術,茯苓 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Removing Dampness Tea ( 袪湿茶 )

$ 14.99 USD


Removing Dampness Tea ( 袪湿茶 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Improve kidney function, liver cirrhosis, edema, lower blood pressure, eliminate protein


Astragalus, Motherwort

 ( 黄芪,益母草 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Improve Kidney Function, Liver Cirrhosis, Edema, Lower Blood Pressure, Eliminate Protein ( 改善腎功能肝硬化,水腫,降血壓,消蛋白質 )

$ 14.99 USD


Improve Kidney Function, Liver Cirrhosis, Edema, Lower Blood Pressure, Eliminate Protein ( 改善腎功能肝硬化,水腫,降血壓,消蛋白質 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Replenish qi and blood, regulate immunity

補氣補血, 調節免疫力

Red dates, Codonopsis, Atragalus

 ( 红棗, 党參, 黄芪 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Replenish Qi and Blood, Regulate Immunity ( 補氣補血, 調節免疫力 )

$ 14.99 USD


Replenish Qi and Blood, Regulate Immunity ( 補氣補血, 調節免疫力 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath

口干, 口苦, 口臭

Dandelion, Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle

 ( 浦公英, 菊花, 金銀花 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Dry Mouth, Bitter Mouth, Bad Breath ( 口干, 口苦, 口臭 )

$ 14.99 USD


Dry Mouth, Bitter Mouth, Bad Breath ( 口干, 口苦, 口臭 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Reconciling blood and qi, activating blood, Prosperous Qi and Blood

調和血氣, 活血, 氣興旺血

Astragalus, Angelica

( 黄芪, 當歸 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Reconciling Blood and Qi, Activating Blood, Prosperous Qi and blood ( 調和血氣, 活血, 氣興旺血 )

$ 14.99 USD


Reconciling Blood and Qi, Activating Blood, Prosperous Qi and Blood ( 調和血氣, 活血, 氣興旺血 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Replenishes qi, strengthens the spleen, increases qi, lowers blood pressure

益氣健脾, 長氣, 降血壓

Astragalus, Hawthorn

 ( 黄芪, 山楂 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Replenishes Qi, Strengthens Spleen, Increases Qi, Lowers Blood Pressure ( 益氣健脾, 長氣, 降血壓 )

$ 14.99 USD


Replenishes Qi, Strengthens Spleen, Increases Qi, Lowers Blood Pressure ( 益氣健脾, 長氣, 降血壓 )

$ 21.99 USD


Member only
Non member only

Warms the kidneys and helps yang, induces fire to return to the original source, dispels

 cold and relieves pain, warms the meridians, and relieves male impotence



 ( 肉桂)

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Warms Kidneys Helps Yang, Induces Fire to Return Original Source, Dispels Cold Relieves Pain, Warms Meridians, and Relieves Male Impotence ( 温肾助阳,引火归元,散寒止痛,温通经脉,男性阳痿 )

$ 14.99 USD


Warms Kidneys Helps Yang, Induces Fire to Return Original Source, Dispels Cold Relieves Pain, Warms Meridians, and Relieves Male Impotence ( 温肾助阳,引火归元,散寒止痛,温通经脉,男性阳痿 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Fill five internal organs, replenish qi blood, health body and support stomach, beneficial

 kidney and support liver

補五臟, 補氣血, 健身養胃, 益腎養肝

Red dates, green beans, brown sugar

( 红棗, 綠豆, 红糖 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Fill Five Internal Organs, Replenish Qi Blood, Health Body Support Stomach, Beneficial Kidney Support Liver ( 補五臟, 補氣血, 健身養胃, 益腎養肝 )

$ 14.99 USD


Fill Five Internal Organs, Replenish Qi Blood, Health Body Support Stomach, Beneficial Kidney Support Liver ( 補五臟, 補氣血, 健身養胃, 益腎養肝 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Benefit qi, Health spleen, Appetizing

益氣, 健脾, 開胃

Astragalus, chrysanthemum, hawthorn

 ( 黄芪, 菊花, 山楂 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Benefit Qi, Health Spleen, Appetizing ( 益氣, 健脾, 開胃 )

$ 14.99 USD


Benefit Qi, Health Spleen, Appetizing ( 益氣, 健脾, 開胃 )

$ 21.99 USD


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Non member only

Relieve edema


Dandelion, corn silk

 ( 蒲公英, 玉米須 )

Take one bag add hot water and cover few minute, drink warm until no taste

One month supply 15 pack bags

Relieve Edema ( 缓解水腫 )

$ 14.99 USD


Relieve Edema ( 缓解水腫 )

$ 21.99 USD


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