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Learn which human body never point to treat disease

1. where is the main human body never point location at

what meridian belong to

what disease will treat

clinical application

2. match with what other never point will treat different disease

3. what technical use on never point to treat disease

Sample Video

Member order section

Non-member order section

1 Prevention of alzheimer’s 预防老年性痴呆

$ 29.99 USD

1 Prevention of alzheimer’s 预防老年性痴呆

$ 44.99 USD

2 Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神经痛

$ 29.99 USD

2 Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神经痛

$ 44.99 USD

3 Deafnes 耳聾耳鳴

$ 29.99 USD

3 Deafnes 耳聾耳鳴

$ 44.99 USD

4 Bad eyes blurred vision 眼睛不好视力模糊

$ 29.99 USD

4 Bad eyes blurred vision 眼睛不好视力模糊

$ 44.99 USD

5 Asthma 哮喘

$ 29.99 USD

5 Asthma 哮喘

$ 44.99 USD

6 Heart rhythm improper 心律不正

$ 29.99 USD

6 Heart rhythm improper 心律不正

$ 44.99 USD

7 Knee pain 膝蓋酸痛

$ 29.99 USD

7 Knee pain 膝蓋酸痛

$ 44.99 USD

8 Arrhythmia 心律不整

$ 29.99 USD

8 Arrhythmia 心律不整

$ 44.99 USD

9 Tremor paralysis 震颤麻痹

$ 29.99 USD

9 Tremor paralysis 震颤麻痹

$ 44.99 USD

10 Stomach acid bloating indigestion 胃酸胃胀消化不良

$ 29.99 USD

10 Stomach acid bloating indigestion 胃酸胃胀消化不良

$ 44.99 USD

11 Seizures 癫痫发作

$ 29.99 USD

11 Seizures 癫痫发作

$ 44.99 USD

12 Diabetes 糖尿病

$ 29.99 USD

12 Diabetes 糖尿病

$ 44.99 USD

13 Knee osteoarthritis 膝关节骨性关节炎

$ 29.99 USD

13 Knee osteoarthritis 膝关节骨性关节炎

$ 44.99 USD

14 Heart palpitations irregular heartbeat 心悸心跳不规津

$ 29.99 USD

14 Heart palpitations irregular heartbeat 心悸心跳不规津

$ 44.99 USD

15 Five internal organs on fire 五臟上火

$ 29.99 USD

15 Five internal organs on fire 五臟上火

$ 44.99 USD

16 Eczema 湿疹

$ 29.99 USD

16 Eczema 湿疹

$ 44.99 USD

17 Frequent urination enuresis 尿頻遺尿

$ 29.99 USD

17 Frequent urination enuresis 尿頻遺尿

$ 44.99 USD

18 Stimulate yang to resist wind and cold 激发阳气抵御风寒

$ 29.99 USD

18 Stimulate yang to resist wind and cold 激发阳气抵御风寒

$ 44.99 USD

19 Dry mouth, bad breath, acne, constipation 口干口臭长痘便秘

$ 29.99 USD

19 Dry mouth, bad breath, acne, constipation 口干口臭长痘便秘

$ 44.99 USD

20 Relieve angina 缓解心绞痛

$ 29.99 USD

20 Relieve angina 缓解心绞痛

$ 44.99 USD

21 A good remedy for blood 治血良方

$ 29.99 USD

21 A good remedy for blood 治血良方

$ 44.99 USD

22 Heavy humidity 湿气重

$ 29.99 USD

22 Heavy humidity 湿气重

$ 44.99 USD

23 Relieve ear disease 缓解耳疾

$ 29.99 USD

23 Relieve ear disease 缓解耳疾

$ 44.99 USD

24 Hysteria 癔病

$ 29.99 USD

24 Hysteria 癔病

$ 44.99 USD

25 Sore knee 膝蓋酸痛

$ 29.99 USD

25 Sore knee 膝蓋酸痛

$ 44.99 USD

26 Smart ear eyesight 聪耳明目

$ 29.99 USD

26 Smart ear eyesight 聪耳明目

$ 44.99 USD

27 Nocturnal emission 遗精

$ 29.99 USD

27 Nocturnal emission 遗精

$ 44.99 USD

28 Dry eyes astringent eyes eye fatigue 眼干眼涩眼疲劳

$ 29.99 USD

28 Dry eyes astringent eyes eye fatigue 眼干眼涩眼疲劳

$ 44.99 USD

29 Three-needle treatment 三針治病

$ 29.99 USD

29 Three-needle treatment 三針治病

$ 44.99 USD

30 Women's menstrual breast tenderness 女性经期乳房胀痛

$ 29.99 USD

30 Women's menstrual breast tenderness 女性经期乳房胀痛

$ 44.99 USD

31 Uterine fibroids 子宫肌瘤

$ 29.99 USD

31 Uterine fibroids 子宫肌瘤

$ 44.99 USD

32 Uterine prolapse irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea 子宫脱垂月经不调痛经

$ 29.99 USD

32 Uterine prolapse irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea 子宫脱垂月经不调痛经

$ 44.99 USD

33 Tics in children 小儿抽动症

$ 29.99 USD

33 Tics in children 小儿抽动症

$ 44.99 USD

34 Convulsions in children 小儿惊厥

$ 29.99 USD

34 Convulsions in children 小儿惊厥

$ 44.99 USD

35 Small bowel disease 小肠疾病

$ 29.99 USD

35 Small bowel disease 小肠疾病

$ 44.99 USD

36 Difficulty urinating 小便不利

$ 29.99 USD

36 Difficulty urinating 小便不利

$ 44.99 USD

37 Difficulty urinating can't urinate 小便困难尿不出

$ 29.99 USD

37 Difficulty urinating can't urinate 小便困难尿不出

$ 44.99 USD

38 Sjogren's syndrome 干燥综合征

$ 29.99 USD

38 Sjogren's syndrome 干燥综合征

$ 44.99 USD

39 Inversion of foot after stroke 中风后足内翻

$ 29.99 USD

39 Inversion of foot after stroke 中风后足内翻

$ 44.99 USD

40 Heart and kidney don't pay 心肾不交

$ 29.99 USD

40 Heart and kidney don't pay 心肾不交

$ 44.99 USD

41 Irregular menstruation uterine bleeding 月经不调子宫出血崩漏

$ 29.99 USD

41 Irregular menstruation uterine bleeding 月经不调子宫出血崩漏

$ 44.99 USD

42 Edema 水肿

$ 29.99 USD

42 Edema 水肿

$ 44.99 USD

43 Toothache 牙疼

$ 29.99 USD

43 Toothache 牙疼

$ 44.99 USD

44 Gums swelling and pa 牙龈肿痛

$ 29.99 USD

44 Gums swelling and pa 牙龈肿痛

$ 44.99 USD

45 Pregnant woman vomiting 孕吐

$ 29.99 USD

45 Pregnant woman vomiting 孕吐

$ 44.99 USD

46 Peripheral neuritis 未梢神經炎

$ 29.99 USD

46 Peripheral neuritis 未梢神經炎

$ 44.99 USD

47 Eyes over use 用眼过度

$ 29.99 USD

47 Eyes over use 用眼过度

$ 44.99 USD

48 Goiter 甲状腺肿大

$ 29.99 USD

48 Goiter 甲状腺肿大

$ 44.99 USD

49 Itchy skin 皮肤瘙痒

$ 29.99 USD

49 Itchy skin 皮肤瘙痒

$ 44.99 USD

50 Stuffy nose 鼻子不通气

$ 29.99 USD

50 Stuffy nose 鼻子不通气

$ 44.99 USD

51 Cataract vision loss 白内障视力下降

$ 29.99 USD

51 Cataract vision loss 白内障视力下降

$ 44.99 USD

52 The Law of Longevity 长寿之法

$ 29.99 USD

52 The Law of Longevity 长寿之法

$ 44.99 USD

53 Joint pain neck pain knee pain 关节疼颈椎疼膝盖疼

$ 29.99 USD

53 Joint pain neck pain knee pain 关节疼颈椎疼膝盖疼

$ 44.99 USD

54 Old cold legs 老寒腿

$ 29.99 USD

54 Old cold legs 老寒腿

$ 44.99 USD

55 Tooth decay is unbearable pain 虫牙蛀牙疼痛难忍

$ 29.99 USD

55 Tooth decay is unbearable pain 虫牙蛀牙疼痛难忍

$ 44.99 USD

56 Blood stasis syndrome 血瘀证

$ 29.99 USD

56 Blood stasis syndrome 血瘀证

$ 44.99 USD

57 Overcome fear 克服恐惧

$ 29.99 USD

57 Overcome fear 克服恐惧

$ 44.99 USD

58 Depression 抑郁

$ 29.99 USD

58 Depression 抑郁

$ 44.99 USD

59 No appetite, weak body, low immunity 没食欲体弱抵抗力低

$ 29.99 USD

59 No appetite, weak body, low immunity 没食欲体弱抵抗力低

$ 44.99 USD

60 Hepatitis poor liver function 肝炎肝功能不好

$ 29.99 USD

60 Hepatitis poor liver function 肝炎肝功能不好

$ 44.99 USD

61 Liver kidney yin deficiency and damp heat 肝肾阴虚祛湿热

$ 29.99 USD

61 Liver kidney yin deficiency and damp heat 肝肾阴虚祛湿热

$ 44.99 USD

62 Heel pain 足跟痛

$ 29.99 USD

62 Heel pain 足跟痛

$ 44.99 USD

63 Diarrhea dysentery 泄泻痢疾

$ 29.99 USD

63 Diarrhea dysentery 泄泻痢疾

$ 44.99 USD

64 Often flustered 经常心慌

$ 29.99 USD

64 Often flustered 经常心慌

$ 44.99 USD

65 Menstrual irritability 经期心情烦躁

$ 29.99 USD

65 Menstrual irritability 经期心情烦躁

$ 44.99 USD

66 Obesity 肥胖

$ 29.99 USD

66 Obesity 肥胖

$ 44.99 USD

67 Protect the prevention of gallbladder gallstones and relieve cholecystitis 保护预防胆囊胆结石缓解胆囊炎

$ 29.99 USD

67 Protect the prevention of gallbladder gallstones and relieve cholecystitis 保护预防胆囊胆结石缓解胆囊炎

$ 44.99 USD

68 Maintaining the essence and blood, strengthening the waist and strengthening the kidney 保养固摄精血强腰健肾

$ 29.99 USD

68 Maintaining the essence and blood, strengthening the waist and strengthening the kidney 保养固摄精血强腰健肾

$ 44.99 USD

69 Cervical spondylosis 颈椎病

$ 29.99 USD

69 Cervical spondylosis 颈椎病

$ 44.99 USD

70 Nasal polyps 鼻息肉

$ 29.99 USD

70 Nasal polyps 鼻息肉

$ 44.99 USD

71 Frozen shoulder pain 肩周炎肩膀疼

$ 29.99 USD

71 Frozen shoulder pain 肩周炎肩膀疼

$ 44.99 USD

72 Tuberculosis 肺结核

$ 29.99 USD

72 Tuberculosis 肺结核

$ 44.99 USD

73 Nourishes qi and nourishes blood 补气养血

$ 29.99 USD

73 Nourishes qi and nourishes blood 补气养血

$ 44.99 USD

74 Invigorating kidney and nourishing yin, diuresis and swelling 补肾滋阴利水消肿

$ 29.99 USD

74 Invigorating kidney and nourishing yin, diuresis and swelling 补肾滋阴利水消肿

$ 44.99 USD

75 Myopia 近视

$ 29.99 USD

75 Myopia 近视

$ 44.99 USD

76 Maintain the essence and blood 保养精血固摄精血强腰健肾

$ 29.99 USD

76 Maintain the essence and blood 保养精血固摄精血强腰健肾

$ 44.99 USD

77 Protect liver 保護肝贓

$ 29.99 USD

77 Protect liver 保護肝贓

$ 44.99 USD

78 Prostate Health 前列腺保健

$ 29.99 USD

78 Prostate Health 前列腺保健

$ 44.99 USD

79 Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃体炎

$ 29.99 USD

79 Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃体炎

$ 44.99 USD

80 Chills and afraid of cold 畏寒怕冷

$ 29.99 USD

80 Chills and afraid of cold 畏寒怕冷

$ 44.99 USD

81 Sudden palpitations, rapid heartbeat, fast heartbeat 突然心慌心跳过快心动过速

$ 29.99 USD

81 Sudden palpitations, rapid heartbeat, fast heartbeat 突然心慌心跳过快心动过速

$ 44.99 USD

82 Sudden fork qi 突然岔气

$ 29.99 USD

82 Sudden fork qi 突然岔气

$ 44.99 USD

83 Conjunctivitis red itchy eyes 结膜炎眼睛红肿发痒

$ 29.99 USD

83 Conjunctivitis red itchy eyes 结膜炎眼睛红肿发痒

$ 44.99 USD

84 Gastric ulcer 胃溃疡

$ 29.99 USD

84 Gastric ulcer 胃溃疡

$ 44.99 USD

85 Stomachache stomach acid upset stomach 胃痛胃酸胃难受

$ 29.99 USD

85 Stomachache stomach acid upset stomach 胃痛胃酸胃难受

$ 44.99 USD

86 Gallbladder stone 胆囊结石

$ 29.99 USD

86 Gallbladder stone 胆囊结石

$ 44.99 USD

87 Hypoglycemic 降血糖

$ 29.99 USD

87 Hypoglycemic 降血糖

$ 44.99 USD

88 Facial paralysis 面瘫

$ 29.99 USD

88 Facial paralysis 面瘫

$ 44.99 USD

89 Facial paralysis one 面瘫 1

$ 29.99 USD

89 Facial paralysis one 面瘫 1

$ 44.99 USD

90 Dizziness fatigue 晕眩疲惫乏力

$ 29.99 USD

90 Dizziness fatigue 晕眩疲惫乏力

$ 44.99 USD

91 Eliminate idiopathic edema 消除特发性水肿

$ 29.99 USD

91 Eliminate idiopathic edema 消除特发性水肿

$ 44.99 USD

92 Remove dampness and swelling 祛湿消肿

$ 29.99 USD

92 Remove dampness and swelling 祛湿消肿

$ 44.99 USD

93 Neurodermatitis 神经性皮炎

$ 29.99 USD

93 Neurodermatitis 神经性皮炎

$ 44.99 USD

94 Acne 粉刺

$ 29.99 USD

94 Acne 粉刺

$ 44.99 USD

95 Pancreatitis 胰腺炎

$ 29.99 USD

95 Pancreatitis 胰腺炎

$ 44.99 USD

96 Fatty liver 脂肪肝

$ 29.99 USD

96 Fatty liver 脂肪肝

$ 44.99 USD

97 Intracerebral hemorrhage 脑出血

$ 29.99 USD

97 Intracerebral hemorrhage 脑出血

$ 44.99 USD

98 Cerebral insufficiency 脑供血不足

$ 29.99 USD

98 Cerebral insufficiency 脑供血不足

$ 44.99 USD

99 Brain fatigue 脑疲劳

$ 29.99 USD

99 Brain fatigue 脑疲劳

$ 44.99 USD

100 Regulate blood pressure 调节血压

$ 29.99 USD

100 Regulate blood pressure 调节血压

$ 44.99 USD

101Regulate the weak of the stomach and spleen and strengthen the body 调理肠胃脾胃虚弱强身健体

$ 29.99 USD

101Regulate the weak of the stomach and spleen and strengthen the body 调理肠胃脾胃虚弱强身健体

$ 44.99 USD

102 Reduce fever, reduce inflammation, clear internal heat, improve immunity 退烧消炎清内热提高免疫力

$ 44.99 USD

102 Reduce fever, reduce inflammation, clear internal heat, improve immunity 退烧消炎清内热提高免疫力

$ 44.99 USD

103 Bone join 骨关节

$ 29.99 USD

103 Bone join 骨关节

$ 44.99 USD

104 Expel air from the body 排出体内浊气

$ 29.99 USD

104 Expel air from the body 排出体内浊气

$ 44.99 USD

105 Soothe the mind and help sleep 清心安神助眠

$ 29.99 USD

105 Soothe the mind and help sleep 清心安神助眠

$ 44.99 USD

106 Eye stye 眼部麦粒肿

$ 29.99 USD

106 Eye stye 眼部麦粒肿

$ 44.99 USD

107 Red and sore eyes 眼睛红肿疼痛

$ 29.99 USD

107 Red and sore eyes 眼睛红肿疼痛

$ 44.99 USD

108 Breast milk 通乳

$ 29.99 USD

108 Breast milk 通乳

$ 44.99 USD

109 Stiff neck pain 颈肩僵硬疼痛

$ 29.99 USD

109 Stiff neck pain 颈肩僵硬疼痛

$ 44.99 USD

110 Neck and low back pain 颈项腰背痛

$ 29.99 USD

110 Neck and low back pain 颈项腰背痛

$ 44.99 USD

111 Sore throat acute pharyngitis 喉咙痛急性咽喉炎

$ 29.99 USD

111 Sore throat acute pharyngitis 喉咙痛急性咽喉炎

$ 44.99 USD

112 Kidney fitness 强肾健身

$ 29.99 USD

112 Kidney fitness 强肾健身

$ 44.99 USD

113 Strengthen the kidney, nourish essence, strengthen the body and strengthen the waist 强肾健肾补益肾精强身壮腰

$ 29.99 USD

113 Strengthen the kidney, nourish essence, strengthen the body and strengthen the waist 强肾健肾补益肾精强身壮腰

$ 44.99 USD

114 Refresh your mind and remove irritability 提神醒脑除烦躁

$ 29.99 USD

114 Refresh your mind and remove irritability 提神醒脑除烦躁

$ 44.99 USD

115 Relieve hemorrhoids 缓解痔疮

$ 29.99 USD

115 Relieve hemorrhoids 缓解痔疮

$ 44.99 USD

116 Appendicitis 阑尾炎

$ 29.99 USD

116 Appendicitis 阑尾炎

$ 44.99 USD

117 Atrophy 痿证

$ 29.99 USD

117 Atrophy 痿证

$ 44.99 USD

118 Lumbar muscle strain causes chronic low back pain and weak legs 腰肌劳损引起慢性腰痛腿软无力

$ 29.99 USD

118 Lumbar muscle strain causes chronic low back pain and weak legs 腰肌劳损引起慢性腰痛腿软无力

$ 44.99 USD

119 Thick waist and big belly 腰粗大肚腩

$ 29.99 USD

119 Thick waist and big belly 腰粗大肚腩

$ 44.99 USD

120 Tenosynovitis 腱鞘炎

$ 29.99 USD

120 Tenosynovitis 腱鞘炎

$ 44.99 USD

121 Often feel pain in the elbow 经常感觉肘部疼痛

$ 29.99 USD

121 Often feel pain in the elbow 经常感觉肘部疼痛

$ 44.99 USD

122 Upset stomach 胃不舒服

$ 29.99 USD

122 Upset stomach 胃不舒服

$ 44.99 USD

123 Twelve meridians 十二經絡

No Image Available

$ 29.99 USD

No Video

123 Twelve meridians 十二經絡

No Image Available

$ 44.99 USD

No Video

124 Systemic disease 全身疾病

No Image Available

$ 44.99 USD

No Video

124 Systemic disease 全身疾病

No Image Available

$ 44.99 USD

No Video

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